A fashion accessory is an item used to contribute, in a secondary manner, to the wearer’s outfit, often used to complete an outfit and chosen to specifically complement the wearer’s look (Wikipidea.org).

The use of the right accesories on an outfit can do a whole lot to your entire look. Everybody has one fashion accessory or the other. However, there are certain accesories some people would never go out of their houses without. For some people, it may be earrings, bangles, other people’s boyfriend (lol) or sun glasses. Personally, it has to be watches.

Fashion accessories can be categorized in two places: those that are carried and those that are worn. Accessories that are carried include purses, handbags, eyewear, hand fans, umbrellas, wallets. Accessories that are worn may include jackets, bangles, boots and shoes, ties, hats, belts, suspenders, gloves, muffs, jewellery, watches,scarves, socks, stockings, fascinators, brooches and earrings.

I would love to know what your favourite fashion accessory is (the one you can never be caught without). Let me know in the comment section.