Ever thought of how to maintain braided wigs? We’ve got you covered with the right tips and tricks.
Braided wigs became prominent in the year 2016 and this trend has since then been accepted and styled in several creative ways you can imagine.
Braided wig is actual braids created in form of a wig. Like every other hair style or wig, it requires a bit of tender loving care/maintenance for it to last long.

We’ve got a lot of braided wig maintenance tips to offer. We mean real business when we promised “no more bad hair days”. Here are trusted hacks on braided wig maintenance.
1. Let your braided wigs rest.
Yes girl!!!! Give your braided wig a break. Braided wigs shouldn’t be worn 7 days a week, 30 days in month, 365 days a year. They should be worn once in a while. If you wear wigs every single day, you’ll damage your hair because of constant pressure on your edges.

Therefore, it’s crucial to take a break from braided wigs once in a while. Rocking it daily would definitely give it a worn out appearance.
2. Don’t ever sleep with your braided wig.
This is an important rule on caring for braided wigs. Once you’re done with it for the day, take it off. By sleeping with your braided wig on, you’re devaluing and reducing the quality drastically.
Here’s a brief description to clearly explain my point. You wear this wig all day. It goes through a lot with dust and heat. That’s why at the end of the day, you should remove it, straighten it out with your hands, observe if it’s in good condition, and spread it out for natural air.
3. Wash Your Braided Wig
You wouldn’t want your wig to smell badly at any point. Would you? The timeframe for washing cannot be stated because we all use wigs differently.

Anytime you wash it, focus on the cap area because that’s always the part that accumulates a lot dirt. Don’t focus on the tips, just wash a little. DO NOT WASH YOUR BRAIDED WIGS LIKE CLOTHES. Just RUB it.
Conditioners are only necessary for weavons. Braided wigs are made of synthetic materials except for the closure that is made of weave. So, don’t waste your conditioner.
4. Choose Natural Air Over Heat
Every time you wash your braided wig, avoid artificial heat or any form of heat. Always dry wet wigs naturally. Applying heat on the wig weakens the wig and reduces it’s lifespan.

Use hot water on the tip once in a while, like once in a year because it shrinks the wig though it straightens the tip but it shrinks also. And if you can do without hot water, it is better.
5. Avoid tight styles
We all understand the value of styling braided wigs. It gives a sophisticated and fashionable aura. However, you must avoid tight styles.

Stressing the root of the wig would eventually lead to the braids falling out and even a style malfunction in which your natural hair may slip out.
More Hacks on maintaining braided wigs
– Braided wig should be trimmed after washing.
– While washing your wig, you can straighten it with a wide tooth comb not with any other combs or brush to avoid damage.
– You can use any type of shampoo, it doesn’t really matter. Just use one that smells nice.
– Always place your wigs in a vertical position when not in use.
– If you have to put on any scarf or cap, it has to be satin. Other fabric can make the braids appear rough.
I hope you learnt a thing or two on maintaining braided wigs. Did we miss out on anything? How do you care for braided wigs.?
Share your tested hacks in the comment box below. Someone may learn from it. Cheeers!!!