You’ve heard the tale of King Midas. He was a fictitious ruler where everything he touched turned to gold.
Well, a sexy cool young woman named Calynn M. Lawrence from Chicago is following that same pattern with all of her creative community service efforts!

She’s known as Creative PR’s “Supergirl” and has been seen in headlines across many publications and media outlets.
Although she started off in the fashion industry at fifteen years old, she has now expanded her efforts across several industries including entertainment, culinary arts and philanthropy.
She’s the Founder of a nonprofit movement that has serviced well over 100 aspiring talents and entrepreneurs, the Fresh Faces Project, as well as the Executive Producer of the cool new reality series, Chicago Talent, and has won several awards for her work in PR and Editorial.
We got a chance to sit down and talk to her about a few things in this interview and she came to dish!
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Hello Calynn! Thank you for sitting down with us. How are you?
Hello. Thank you so much for having me. I’m doing amazing and I hope the same for you.
We are doing great. Can you tell us a little bit about what your current projects are?
Well, I’m in my busy season right now so I’ve been doing a lot of traveling for Fashion Week.
I just came back from Paris, attended Latino Fashion Week here in Chicago, am about to attend Chicago’s Fashion Week soon and I am preparing for New York and L.A. in the late winter.
I’ve been crazy busy with trying to wrap up Season One of my show, Chicago Talent, and get the filming process finalized and started for Season Two.
So, that’s been a hassle but I know it’ll be worth it in the end when all of these talents get the recognition they deserve.
That is so awesome! Who can we expect to see in Season Two?
I was able to get a lot more musicians for Season Two. I also have more African Americans and Latinos and more males.
I really wanted to use Season Two to bring a voice to the little guy, minorities, because if anything I think we need the most exposure and promotion due to the way society is set up.
Also, a lot of the cast from Season One will be returning as well! I won’t give out names because contracts have not been solidified but just know that the cast is going to be so interesting!
What makes you work so hard at only twenty years old?
To be honest, making a difference is what keeps me going. I have a void in my spirit that can only be filled by helping others and causing impact, making a change.
So, because most of my work is to the benefit of other people, it makes me happy and it validates me to give me a real purpose.
I don’t know how to explain it but I’ve always been this way and it’s almost as if the more I do, the more I gain.
However, I won’t lie to you and say that it isn’t exhausting mentally, emotionally and physically. It’s a ton of dedication and sacrifice but it’s what I feel I’m meant to do.
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Do you think that’s what makes so much of your work successful, the fact that you do it with a giving spirit and a purpose that is beneficial to the community?After all, it seems like nothing you’ve ever put out has failed yet.
Yes I do. I’m a firm believer in the mentality of “each one reach one.” So, because I know that so many people have helped me from my family to my friends to school staff to employers to people in the industry, I would never only do work that benefits myself.
Obviously, all of my work does benefit me in some way, but it’s that connection to the people and the community that makes it so much more powerful and important.
But, I won’t say I’ve never failed because I definitely have. It’s just that I’m fortunate enough to have been able to learn from those mistakes and bounce back because at the end of the day, this isn’t just about my career.
It’s about me being able to expand my hand as far as possible so that I can help as many as possible.
Wow. You’re a saint. Does having such a philanthropic nature shield you from pain or hurt? Like “good karma.”
Ha! I wish. I could not tell you how many people have hurt me from loved ones to love interests. I’ve been broken more times than I can count as a result of having such a big heart and it kills me.
Only because I know that I’ll never change and I will also be detrimentally compassionate since my heart’s so big. But, that’s just the price you pay when you wanna be a good person.
A saint is a definite stretch because I’m imperfect, but I’m far from evil. Thank you though.
You’ve been quoted in several interviews before noting love as your weakness, that you’re in search of “The Joker” to your “Harley.” Would you say that you are currently romantically involved with any lucky guy?
I have one man that I am interested in and we’ll see where that goes. He’s such an amazing catch, I can’t even tell you.
I see so much potential in him and it’s almost moving how far that I know he can come, the heights that I’m confident he will reach.
He’s a real fighter. No pun intended. That’s all I’ll say on that for now.
Other than changing the world, which we already know that you will do. What is a big goal of yours?
Thank you. I’d say a big goal of mine is to be happy, truly happy. And, to have someone finally give me the love that I give to them. I feel like I’m pretty much on track for anything else.
Wow, that is so deep.
Nope, it’s real.
For more on Calynn Lawrence, follow her on: