The term “team natural” came into limelight like a trend that may reign for a short period and become old school out of vogue. Surprisingly, it was embraced by hair lovers around the world. For this reason, I can confidently say that the natural hair movement has come to stay.
A lot of people realized opportunities in the natural hair trend and have made a lot out of it (e. g the immense spring up of Natural hair salon businesses and products launch) around the world.
There’s a certainty that due to its wide acceptance, different facts, guide and rules have been placed on this hair trend. However, there are a few secrets a newbie in this journey should understand.
Let’s find out Humour and Style’s take on it. Here are 5 natural hair tips for beginners before they embark on a natural hair journey.
1. Consistency (Patience is the key)
Forget the stereotype (i.e whatever your favourite hair youtubers/bloggers are telling you to make natural hair seem like a walk in the park).
The truth is, grooming natural hair is a ton of hardwork. It requires a lot of patience and consistency. You have to stick to a particular moisturizing plan and be patient enough to see changes.

Point blank……………………………Don’t allow people on social media platforms e.g YouTube and Instagram put you under pressure. Everybody’s hair is different. Realize what works for you, stick to it and be calm enough to see changes.
The saying “Rome wasn’t built in a day” applies 100% to Natural Hair Care. To see changes and get to your end goal, be prepared to consistent and patient.
2. It Takes More Than Length And Volume
Imagine seeing a full long hair with split ends and serious breakage You’ll feel somehow right? Exactly my point.
Sooner or later, you’ll realize that length and volume isn’t all there to being a successful naturalista.

Health matters a lot in this journey. Your focus should be on how healthy you want your hair to be. Healthy hair should be beautiful to you. A healthy hair is a perfect hair baby!
3. Don’t Be A Product Junkie
Natural Hair maintenance is affordable for those who aren’t product junkies. Yes, I said it lol.
WATCH OUT!! ———–In your natural hair journey, there may be a tendencies for you to become a hair product junkie. Please and pleaseeeee that thought is from the devil and will rob you off thousands of naira or dollars in the long run.
From one 5 dollar hair product to 20 dollar hair product and before you know it booooooom! You’ve spent thousands of dollars without knowing.
Being a product junkie is terrible addiction. You’d want to try out every single hair product in the market until you exhaust your entire savings hehe.
You only need the basics —-shampoo, conditioner, moisturizer, essential oil(s), a wide tooth comb, a cap, a satin bonnet/pillow case. With these, you’re good to go.
You don’t have to purchase expensive tools. Get the ones you can afford and check the internet for free DIY and simple natural hair hacks.
Anyway, all I’m saying is “You do not have to break the bank to maintain your natural hair“. Purchasing and trying every product you see would affect your journey and your bank account balance.
Do you wanna be broke? I guess not! Now, that’s a good reason to take my advice, hook, line and sinker lol.
4. Anything New Requires More
In this natural hair journey, if you introduce any new experiment or style, it will always require more attention and care. For example, if you dye your hair, it’ll be prone to breakage easily and If you braid your hair for 7-8 weeks, it may lead to split ends.

In other words, before you try anything new, be prepared for it. Don’t damage your hair. Some damages are hard to overcome. Therefore avoid them before they occur. Prevention is better than cure.
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5. Criticism Is Part Of The Natural Hair Journey
Everyone will not love the idea of grooming natural hair as opposed to stress free relaxed hair. So, be prepared for naysayers who would come for you in demeaning manner and say all sorts to derail you off your natural hair journey.
They won’t fight you physically but their words may bruise your fragile ego.
You will hear words like “why are killing yourself with tough Nigerian hair, Aunty, go and add relaxer to your hair, you look unkempt” etc.

Learn beforehand to filter off people/words with bad vibes and embrace great complements. Know why you started in the first place and stick to it.
I hope you’ve been inspired by these natural hair tips for beginners. With this information, Can you say you are ready for your natural hair journey? If you aren’t what is stopping you? Share your thoughts in the comment box below.
Featured image credit: @naturallytemi